Visiting on a Sunday?

Corporate Worship begins at 10:30am

Located directly across from Crosby Middle School, our church building is in the former location of First Baptist Hitchcock. Feel free to come dressed as you are. Please know: some wear jeans & polos, some wear sandals & t-shirts, others wear a suit or sport coat. In truth, the Lord looks not merely outwardly, but on the heart.


Mid-week Prayer at 5:30pm

Individual prayer is effective (James 5:16-18) and prayer by the gathered church is effective too (Acts 12:5). Each Wednesday from 5:30 - 6:30pm, as your schedule allows, plan to fellowship with us in calling upon the Lord together at GCC. Please plan accordingly - there will be no childcare, volunteer rotations or provided meals for this service.

Weekly Life Groups

Ladies In-Depth Bible Study

  • Time: Tuesdays at 10:30am
  • Location: GCC Adult Wing
  • Leader: Beth Rudloff (281) 682-3742 

Student Ministry AKA THE C.R.E.W.

  • Time: Wednesdays at 5:30pm 
  • Location: GCC Youth Room; Various other locations as announced
  • Leaders: Jacob & Sam Sullivan (832) 851-7559 (Jacob)

Ladies Lunch Group

  • Time: 2nd Tuesdays at 12pm
  • Leader: Sue Taylor (409) 354-9873
  • Location: Varies monthly

Hearts in Harmony

  • Time: One Saturday a month, 5:30pm
  • Location: GCC Adult 1
  • Leader: Jose Howell
Children's Ministry
Sunday Morning Bible Studies: 

At 9:15am we have SonShine Sundays for children in Pre-K through 5th grade.


Sunday Morning Worship:

Children in Pre-K and under: SonShine Care is provided in the Children's Wing during the Worship Service.

Children in K - 5th Grade: Shine Time is offered on one Sunday each month in the Elementary Room during a portion of the Worship Service.  

Student Ministry

Are you Ready, Equipped and Willing? The C.R.E.W. is learning to be all these things!


Sunday Morning Bible Study:

Join us at 9:15am in the youth room.



Join us every Wednesday at 5:30pm in the youth room, gym, or other announced location. 

December 11th we will meet in the Youth Room.

For any questions about our Student Ministry, please reach out to Jacob Sullivan (832) 851-7559.

Community Events

Stay tuned for more events to come!