Some people are worth knowing
Lathan has spent most of his life in Houston, TX. Although a well-traveled Navy brat, he called Houston home. Lathan is husband to Lupita Garza and father to Solomon and Josiah. Lathan grew up in a Christian home and had Christian values instilled in him but was still allowed by his parents to find truth for himself. After a season of rebellion and denying his call, existential crisis brought him back to Christ. Lathan committed himself to use the gifts that were given to him for the use of the Kingdom. He graduated Cum Laude from the College of Biblical Studies and presented the graduating class as the commencement speaker. Lathan earned his Master's degree in Philosophical Apologetics from Houston Christian University in the School of Christian Thought. Lathan is committed to the edification of the body of Christ by teaching Christians how to love God with all their minds (Mark 12:30-31 NET) and how to use their studies as an act of worship. He comes to GCC with a spirit of service to the body and submission to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You can hear him on the Of Things Eternal podcast or see him on the Of Things Eternal YouTube channel.
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